Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

Today I purchased my plane ticket to Ethiopia! This is part of a long journey I've embarked upon to film a documentary, entitled Blind Promises.

Blind Promises is about a victim of child trafficking Esubalew Ethan Johnston who was intentionally blinded as an eight or nine year old in Ethiopia. He was then forced to beg on the streets of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. He didn't get to keep the money, and they didn't feed him in return. They whipped him with stinging nettle if he didn't bring home enough money. The film will tell his incredible and heart warming journey to the great land of opportunity, America, and document his journey to build a school for the blind back in his home country.

While in Ethiopia, I'll be filming what will hopefully be one of the most incredible experiences of the tale: the reunification of Esubalew with his mother after 16 years of separation. I'll also film some interviews and other necessary shots for the film.

I leave June 14th from LAX, and will be back in time for the 4th of July. I'm so excited!


  1. I'm officially subscribed! Awesome, Zach! This is such a great story.

  2. Yo Zach good work! Are we going to get together in LA some time this month and go to a lakers game and answer some questions you still had?
